UK Bug Detection Services
Are You Looking To Hire Someone To Check For Hidden Cameras, Listening Devices or Car Trackers?
We offer a professional electronic bug sweep service across the UK.
Spy Camera Detection, Listening Device Detector & Hidden Tracker Detection in Private Homes, Offices, Commercial Sites and Vehicles.
Residential Sweep Service on Private Homes
If you believe your home is being spied on and someone is has planted a spying device inside, listening / recording your private conversations or watching your personal activity, it
can be a very distressing and stressful time, and the longer you feel someone is spying on you, your health and well-being will suffer.
At Bug Sweeping UK, we have the experience, knowledge and specialist equipment to determine if your house or flat is being bugged and someone is stalking you. We operate with complete discretion and ensure that all areas of your property are electronically swept and. searched for hidden spying devices.
We are able to search and detect for hidden cameras, covert listening devices, car tracker equipment and the latest spying devices favoured by private investigators and law enforcement.
Our counter surveillance experts will advise you regarding the search for spy bugs and what can be done when a bugging equipment is located.
If you want to use the services of our bug sweeping experts or wish to seek advice concerning your property being bugged, please feel free to contact us on 01157 270212 / 07816 477496.
Electronic Bug Sweep & Detection - Counter Surveillance For Commercial Clients
As technical counter surveillance experts we understand the need for a business or commercial enterprise to maintain secrecy and confidentiality.
Most businesses take the necessary steps to ensure the way they conduct their business and handle their data is secure and compliant.
But what happens when a third party is interested in knowing what their company are doing, how they are doing it and who they are doing it with.
With the electronic spy bug technology available today, the opportunity and ability to plant an electronic recording device or hidden micro camera in a commercial office, boardroom or sensitive area to steal commercial information and data can be technically simple and relatively low risk.
From exploiting weak or corrupt staff working on the inside of a business to entering a workplace as a bona fide visitor and placing hidden surveillance equipment , there are numerous situations that can be taken advantage of to extract information
As TSCM experts we carry out commercial electronic bug detection throughout the UK. Our bug sweeping service can be carried out at time determined by the client to prevent intrusion and disruption to the business.
If you believe your office, boardroom, meeting room or work place is being bugged, contact us for free advice or quote.
Email us at
GPS Tracker & Covert Bug Detection in Cars & Vehicles
Bug Sweeping UK provide a detailed and thorough electronic and physical examination and bug sweep of your car, van lorry or any other type of vehicle.
How we bug sweep your car:
- We search and bug sweep all outside parts of the vehicle including, engine bay, underneath, wheel arches.
- We search and bug sweep all internal elements of the car, wiring looms, upholstery, dash, roof lining, electrical components, floor pan.
- Our car bug sweep takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
- We come to your location or a place convenient to you.
- We use the latest technology and software to detect the all including the latest types of car tracker / GPS tracker / 5G tracker / Bluetooth tracker / GSM tracker
- We GUARANTEE if there is a tracker hidden on your car or other type of surveillance device secreted away, we WILL FIND IT
If you believe your car or vehicle is being tracked, monitored or followed, call us today to arrange a vehicle bug sweep. We offer the best price for a vehicle bug sweep service.
Read more about our car de-bugging and tracker detection services and find out how much a car bug sweep costs here>>
We are all entitled to lead a private life, but when you are someone who is regularly in the public gaze, unwanted intrusion and harassment can be difficult to avoid. Therefor the place we most feel safe and secure should be our home. But what if someone wanted to get to know the more intimate details of your life.
Our Bug sweeps detect the most sophisticated spying equipment available, whether it be used by a stalker, private detective, news journalist or Police, we will find it. We use the latest technology in spy bug detection and car bugging equipment. Our counter surveillance TCSM expert operates with complete discretion and integrity.
We are more than happy to enter into a Confidential Agreement with our clients to ensure all bug sweeping work carried out is done is with complete transparency.
If you wish to use the services of our bug sweeping expert or wish to seek advice concerning your property or vehicle being bugged, please feel free to contact us on 01157 270212 / 07816 477496.
Or e-mail us at
Send us an Email
Hidden Spy Bug & Vehicle GPS Tracker Detection on Cars, Motorhomes, Vans & other Vehicles
Every week we are tasked with searching someones car, or vehicle to find a hidden tracking device or electronic spying device such as a covert microphone or video camera. With these devices being readily available off the internet, its no surprise we detect spying devices and surveillance bug equipment on a frequent basis.A persons car can be tracked from a smart phone, tablet or computer, with most GPS covert tracking devices being able to monitor the movements of a vehicle very accurately and effectively.
Our car tacker, car sweep searches for GPS hidden trackers and bugs can take up to 3 hours to complete, ensuring we search all elements of the car using our specialist equipment. We are able to bug sweep a car at a location convenient to you anywhere in the UK.
Our counter surveillance experts will come along with the necessary equipment that will allow the complete vehicle, inside and out to be both electronically and physically bug searched.

At Bug Sweeping UK, we come to you.No matter where you are, we will bug sweep your car at a location convenient to you. The vehicle sweep usually takes us up to 3 hours to complete.
Give yourself peace of mind and find out for sure if your vehicle has a hidden tracker on it.
If you believe your car is being tracked or followed by someone, or you believe your car is bugged and need to know find out, contact us for a free quote and free advice. Someone is available at all times to speak to.
Call 01157 270212 / 07816 477496, alternatively you can email us at

A Technical Counter Surveillance Measure (TCSM) is also known as a "bug sweep" or "electronic surveillance sweep". A TCSM survey is a highly specialised examination of an environment believed to be compromised by technical electronic / electrical eavesdropping devices.
The searches are carried out by experienced and trained surveillance professionals to detect the presence of technical surveillance equipment and systems.
The objective of a TCSM survey is to discover the existence and location of covert devices such as a hidden covert camera, audio bugs such as pin head microphones, a concealed tracker in or on a car, computer monitoring software and communication interception methods such as phone taps, mobile telephone monitoring software.
Our TCSM sweeps will also identify potential security breaches and areas of weakness in relation to an environments communications system and overall security.
Bug Sweeping UK is a leading provider of professional counter surveillance surveys for any person who has concerns that their private activity is being compromised and invaded by a third party. The bug detection equipment we use is designed for specific tasks in combating illicit eavesdropping. This anti spy equipment is able to identify all types of devices including long term deployments that can be buried deep into the fabric of an environment and transmit information in bursts. Because our counter surveillance operatives are conversant in the design, construction and deployment of covert devices, we have a comprehensive understanding of how they work and what is required in order to retrieve the communications and data they are collecting. More about our TSCM services here...
Our counter surveillance staff are highly skilled with years of experience in the field of covert investigations. We are committed to maintaining an in depth knowledge of devices, methods and tactics used by persons who are either novices in the use of covert monitoring or skilled exponents tasked to obtain evidence, information and intelligence that can be used for monetary gain, blackmail or personal knowledge.Our working knowledge in the use of electronic & digital eavesdropping devices is second to none, and we pride ourselves in keeping abreast in the ever-changing world of sophisticated covert spying equipment.
We have carried out hundreds of technical sweeps across the UK detecting devices that have been deployed for a number of reasons. Read our case studies to see examples of where we have been successful in the location and retrieval. See our frequently asked questions page here.
Bug Sweeping UK TCSM services are always carried out with complete confidentiality. Due to the sensitive nature of electronic surveillance and eavesdropping issues, we are committed to ensuring that your information remains as such. Our staff will work with you so as not to draw any attention to our attendance and the work we carry out. We have a number of cover stories we can draw upon to conceal the actual purpose for us being in your home or workplace. We advise all clients who suspect they are being listened to or covertly watched to contact us in a safe and sterile environment, away from the location is being monitored.
Need to Find Out How Much A Bug Sweep Cost?
Call us now for an Instant Quote - 01157 270212 / 07816 477496. or e-mail us
More about what we do at Bug Sweeping UK HERE>>
Download our residential bug sweep brochure HERE>>
Download our business bug sweep brochure HERE>>
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