Professional Counter Surveillance Service
Debugging Any Room in Any Environment, Searching Detecting and Locating ALL Electronic Spying Equipment
With over 25 years’ experience in creating, deploying and managing various eavesdropping devices, we are expert in how spy bugs operate and what they are capable of. And now operating in the private sector, armed with this knowledge and the latest technology to detect ANY type of electronic spy bug, we are able to provide a comprehensive bug detection service anywhere in the UK.
Read How Our TSCM Services Can Help Your Business

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30 Years Experience in Electronic Surveillance & Counter Surveillance
We specialise in the searching and identification of devices planted for the purpose of corporate espionage and gathering information used in an unlawful way. By carrying out a comprehensive security survey we:
* Electronically sweep, search & detect for illegal electronic surveillance in the workplace.
* Identify security / espionage weaknesses that allow current security measures to be exploited.
* Develop robust and effective strategies to combat information loss and future threats to information sensitive locations.
Working with complete discretion on behalf of our clients around the UK, you can be assured that your premises will undertake a thorough and detailed serch for any device that may be deployed undermining your business.
Fixed Price Bug Sweeps Service For Home & Car & Office
Call Bug Sweeping UK HERE
The Complete De-Bugging Service
Searching for Electronic Eavesdropping Devices in the Workplace
Wherever sensitive commercial is discussed the potential for compromise exists. Most companies have integrated into their IT systems robust and effective firewalls that protect their information from being collected by unwelcome third parties. But it is become more frequent that individuals, rival businesses, criminal enterprises and international agencies use the method of eavesdropping devices to obtain information that they can benefit from, knowing that the security measures in place are nowhere near as secure as the IT logistics. It is these places we scrutinise and examine for the presence of listening devices and covert cameras. From boardrooms and executive suites, to company meeting rooms, conference rooms and law offices, we are able to detect the most advanced corporate espionage equipment used to gather private information.
Analysing Communications & Telephone Lines for Wire Tapping and Interception
Often due to the nature of a business issue, the use of a telephone can be the best method in discussing a sensitive matter without the need to make a hard copy or have it recorded electronically. But how secure is that telephone, and how sure can you be that the phone isn't tapped, or the office from where you are speaking is not being listened into. We are able to check landline telephones for the existence of a phone tap, or identify if the internal telephone system has been intercepted. We can also search the office environment to identify any clandestine listening audio bug. Understanding the law surrounding the Interception of Communications Act, we can advise clients as to the best course of action to protect their telephone system from unwarranted interception.
Searching Cars & Vehicles for GPS Trackers, Wired In Tracking Devices & Hidden Microphone Bugs
As well as searching commercial buildings and infrastructure, we have the ability to examine vehicles for the presence of spy bugs. From hard wired listening devices and GPS trackers that are embedded into the vehicles wiring loom, to devices that are temporarily deployed, we can identify them and remove them. Understanding how these devices work and what they can do allows us to have the expertise to expose them and prepare a strategy that enables the client to identify who is responsible for their deployment. All our sweeps are carried out with the consideration to forensically preserving any device we find, again allowing the client if they wish, to pass on the device to the relevant authorities or their solicitor. We are able to detect bugs and trackers in cars, lorries, boats and planes. More here...
Electronic Searching of Offices, Boardrooms, Executive Suites & Secure Sites as Part of a Commercial Espionage Strategy
During the course of our business we carry out TSCM searches on behalf of clients representing various commercial enterprises. From private banks, investment companies and legal institutions, to family run businesses and successful entrepreneurs, all have felt that their commercial interests are being compromised by an unknown threat who could, or is benefiting from having inside information. On detecting hidden devices our successes have proven their instincts to be correct, thus preventing further economic or reputable damage being caused. We have recovered devices used by cleaning staff working on behalf of a private investigator, disgruntled or corrupt employees, business competitors and criminal networks. The availability and effectiveness of these spying devices in the last decade has seen a huge increase in their use, and it will continue as more companies put emphasis on IT security and neglect the threat from spying devices sat right there in the room.
If you would like a quote or speak to us regarding our professional bug sweep services or having your commercial premises checked for listening bugs, hidden cameras or GPS vehicle trackers, you can call us on 01157 270212.
Alternatively, you can send us an e-mail here.
Bug Sweep LondonSpy Bug detection service Manchester
Detect Listening devices Nottingham
Find Hidden cameras Leicester
Bug Sweeping Birmingham
Spy devices Liverpool
Counter surveillance Leeds
Electronic spying Sheffield
Camera detection Essex
Find microphones Sussex
Detect tracker Surrey