How To Tell If Your House is Bugged
Don't Take Chances With Your Privacy - Get A Professional Bug Sweep
Nearly all our clients have expressed that there's no feeling worse than when you think somebody might be watching or listening to you. This how they have felt when they believe their privacy is being invaded. But despite the feeling, every time they turn around, there's nothing there except the eerie feeling that there are invisible eyes following them wherever they go or what they say.Today, although there's some good that comes from hidden listening devices, cameras, and other surveillance gear, criminals, snoopers and voyeurs can also use these devices for more sinister purposes, such as stealing your personal identification information, gaining access to your online accounts, or worse.

For anyone who has ever felt as if their home or place of business may be bugged, we've put together a guide on how to search any space for hidden spy devices. In this article we'll explore everything there is to know about searching for hidden GPS tracking devices, eavesdropping devices, cameras, and more!
The size of today's micro-eavesdropping devices including hidden cameras and microphones can make them hard to detect and locate. Therefore, it's not always easy to tell whether you've been bugged.
However, there are some indications that someone has been in your personal space, which may indicate that it's time to do an even more thorough search for hidden cameras or eavesdropping devices in the area and employ the services of a professional bug sweep company such as Bug Sweeping UK.
So what are the signs you should look for to see if your home, office or vehicle is being bugged?
If you or your family have recently fallen victim to a burglary, it might be time to perform a deeper search for surveillance devices. If you've ever left your home in a neat and orderly fashion but returned home to find it has been entered but nothing has been taken, it is possible your home is compromised.We strongly suggest thoroughly searching your area for signs that somebody has installed a hidden camera or an audio bug in your home if this ever happens.
Interference with Your TV or Radio Signals
Again, it's important to note that a wide variety of external factors can cause radio signal interference. Therefore, just because you're experiencing a bit of minor interference with your radio or TV signal, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're home has been bugged.However, if you suddenly experience interference signals when there weren't any before. And this happens at or around the time of any other incident that may have sparked a suspicion that your home has been bugged; it's likely a good idea to perform a physical search of your home for such small wireless eavesdropping devices.
Other Warning Signs
Criminals can hide hidden bugs and wireless devices virtually anywhere in your home, including inside light switches, white goods, furniture electrical outlets, on your phone line, in your smoke detectors, or even inside a portable radio / electrical device, all of which makes them extremely hard to spot with the naked eye.Therefore, by learning about listening bugs, wiretaps, and other hidden tracking devices, you can learn about the best places to look for these devices and the tools needed to find them.
What are Listening Bugs
Both listening bugs and wiretaps are used to perform the collection of audio surveillance. However, both types of surveillance devices are used in different fashions. 
Listening bugs are typically smaller devices planted into everyday household items to collect audio surveillance. In some cases, criminals may also use listening bugs combined with a GPS tracking device to collect audio and location-based surveillance data.However, they are most often used as a multi-device connected via a wireless connection to another central device used to store or transmit the data externally.
Finding Listening Devices
Because modern surveillance devices are so small, finding listening devices in your home or place of business is easier said than done. If you suspect that your home may be bugged, we suggest starting with a basic physical scan of the premise to try and see if you can find anything that may be out of place and may indicate where a spy may hide such devices.Suppose you suspect that your phone line may be bugged, whether landline or cell phone, you can sometimes tell that you're being recorded or listened to if your call suddenly developed strange interference noises, which weren't previously noticeable. However, because many other external factors can cause interference like this, it's not always a guaranteed way to tell if your line is bugged.
What Does a Listening Device Look Like?
Unfortunately, wiretaps and hidden listening devices come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, which means that it can be hard to explain what a listening device might look like. That said, typically, if you find any smaller devices attached to your home's landlines or other wiring, especially if it's a device that you find suspicious or that may not have been there before, it could be a listening device.Bugs are typically tiny and might be hidden inside your home phone, electrical outlets, light switches, fake plants, under the couch or bed, TV stands, and inside of vehicles, like under seats, under the dash, behind the radio console, in between the seats or in the pockets of the front seats. Therefore, if you suspect you're being spied upon, make sure to check these prime locations. FM radios and a speaker, whether wired or wireless, can also be prime locations where a spy may hide these devices. Be sure to check these spots as well.
Today, hidden wireless cameras are being built smaller than the size of your fingertip, which means that a thief or criminal can hide them virtually anywhere in your home. So, how can you find a hidden camera when you suspect that somebody might be keeping an eye on you?
Another critical fact to remember is that listening devices and hidden cameras require a power source to function. Therefore, to detect hidden cameras, you'll want to search any areas near your electrical outlets, light switches, or fixtures, which are prime locations to install spying devices or any other type of similar listening device. You'll also want to check along any extension cable or 12-volt power supply cables, which can also be tapped as a source of power for a remote device.

It is a poorly trained spy that will hide eavesdropping devices in plain sight. Therefore, you can never really be too sure whether or not you're being watched, especially when you're out and about in public.
That said, sometimes, your safest bet is to adopt better security habits in your personal life, both on and offline, which can prevent you from being targeted by illegal surveillance. Do your best to avoid disclosing any sensitive information during your everyday conversations, avoid talking about your finances in public settings, and keep your devices safe and up-to-date using the latest cybersecurity and VPN software available.
Remember that once a hacker or criminal gains access to your sensitive information, such as your bank account or any other online accounts that you may link to your bank account, they can potentially take over your entire identity, giving them access to your money, credit, and anything else they can get their hands on!
Therefore, even though it's essential to learn how to find hidden devices in your home or office, it's also a good idea to adopt good digital hygiene when it comes to any sensitive personal identification information, such as your account pins and passwords, your name and address, your SIN or social security number, etc.
Because hidden devices are wireless, they need to emit radio frequencies that sometimes interfere with your cell phone signal. Many apps for both iOS and Android claim to detect hidden devices in your vicinity. However, these devices are not always accurate and won't necessarily give you a definite answer as to whether or not your home has been bugged. However, as with searching for hidden audio bugs, you may also experience strange interference noise during a mobile phone call if your phone is near a remote device that's emitting a wireless RF signal.
Today, it's not uncommon for service or delivery trucks to be equipped with GPS tracking devices, which help companies keep track of their fleets. However, in the wrong hands, criminals and spies can also use similar tracking and GPS devices to invade your privacy and track your location.
If you suspect that your car, van, or any other vehicle has been bugged, you'll want to use the same methods described above to scan the space for hidden electronic devices that might be keeping tabs on you.
Ultimately if you want to know for sure if your property or vehicle is under surveillance you need to seek professional help.

Use a Counter Surveillance Expert
The team at Bug Sweeping UK have over 30 years experience in the world of covert devices their use and operational ability. On a weekly basis we detect and remove covert devices that have been planted in a clients home, office or car.Our electronic equipment detects the traditional spying bugs along with todays sophisticated surveillance equipment.
Whether it’s a jilted spouse / partner, nosey neighbour or you suspect the Police have bugged your property we will find it and give you peace of mind.
Contact us to today if you would like to speak to one of our experts, call 07816 477496 or email us at HERE