Counter Surveillance Specialists
30 Years Experience In The Detection and Removal of Hidden Cameras, Listening Devices & Trackers
Bug Sweeping UK provide a wide range of comprehensive and affordable counter surveillance services for a variety of purposes and to a wide range of businesses and private clients. Our bug detection service is available to clients throughout the UK. We have carried out over 10,000 bug detection enquiries throughout the UK and overseas.
Bug sweeps, video and audio surveillance counter-measures and eavesdropping detection services can be conducted for many types of situations and virtually any location including, but not limited to:
- Listening devices in offices and board rooms
- Interception on telephone and fax lines
- Micro video cameras in homes and offices
- Hidden microphones in residential homes
- Secretly installed GPS trackers in vehicles
Our highly trained counter surveillance experts can find ANY clandestine device. With years of dedicated experience in conducting electronic bug detection scans and eavesdropping device location searches. Our team are former military and law enforcement officers operating in the covert surveillance environment. Equipped with the best available technology and equipment, we scan for electronic bugs and search for hidden cameras, identify their location and consult with the client as to what they should do next.
Each bug detection presents a different way of approaching the situation. The client may want to involve the Police, or have their solicitor deal with the matter. Or they may wish to leave the spy gadget in situ with a view to catch whoever is responsible in the act!
We carry out a professional bug sweep on residential properties, houses, apartments, bungalows dorms, hotel rooms, offices, commercial sites and all types of vehicles, car, van etc.
If you would like to speak with us concerning our bug sweeping service, call us for FREE impartial advice
The Complete Bug Sweep Service
Bug Sweeping - Eavesdropping, wiretapping and listening device detection, Bug Sweeping UK offers a full range of bug sweeping and eavesdropping detection services throughout the UK for businesses, organisations and individuals. Our bug detection services can be conducted on rooms, offices, entire buildings, phones, fax machines, office equipment, electrical wiring and outlets, ventilation systems, appliances, furnishings, ceilings, under floors, and virtually anywhere that listening devices or video surveillance systems may be hidden. We can also sweep and detect the presence of hidden Global Positioning Systems (GPS) that may be secretly installed to track the location of cars, motorcycle, van, lorry or vessel.
We are able to detect if the Police or other law enforcement agency has bugged a car or home. Police can bug homes and cars and use the evidence against criminal activity. Our equipment will identify if your house has been bugged or car is being tracked.
All TSCM specialists employed by Bug Sweeping UK are fully trained and highly experienced in conducting professional sweeps for bugs, phone taps, hidden microphones and cameras and other eavesdropping or wiretapping equipment for a variety of purposes, including office, board room and conference security, industrial espionage, litigation issues, marital disputes or anywhere you need and expect your private conversations to remain private.
Over 30 years of counter-surveillance experience. When you have a need for confidentiality, don't trust your privacy to amateurs. Our bug sweeping and technical counter-surveillance specialists have over 25 years of experience in conducting sweeps for electronic listening devices and hidden cameras. Our operatives are also security vetted for access to the most sensitive areas in Government, ensuring you of the highest caliber of personnel and service available today.
We Offer Free Advice and a Free Quote for All Our Bug Sweep Services

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