We find hidden cameras, listening devices, car trackers & more

Mar 2, 2023

Sale of Spying Devices Reaches All Time High

Figures gained from retail analysts have recorded a record number of spying devices have been sold in the UK during 2022. These devices include cameras that can be hidden in the smallest of areas using various means of filming and recording an unassuming persons activity and private affairs, micro listening devices that are disguised as everyday household objects, along with covert gps tracking devices used on cars, van lorries and other types of vehicles. 

Category: Bug Sweeping News
Posted by: Bug Sweeping UK

The figures compiled are drawn from physical retailers and online companies based here in the UK, (international purchases weren't recorded). 

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As a bug sweeping company, our sole task is to detect and locate hidden surveillance devices. And we are very successful at finding these. Every week we we are asked by clients to carry out a bug sweep on a residential property, office or vehicle, and every week we discover a device that has been planted without the clients knowledge or consent.

And it is not just surveillance devices purchased by private individuals we detect. We are also successful in carrying out bug sweeps on premises and vehicles when it is believed the Police have planted a device to obtain evidence against a member of the public.